Immunogenicity testing

A complete immunogenic profile.

Get deep insights into the immunogenic characteristics of a biotherapeutic.

Precise read-out

Identify all immunogenic areas of a target compound for improved immunogenicity risk assessment

Better drug modulation

Optimize drug design and modulate sequences at an early stage

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Utilizing immunopeptidomics for immunogenicity testing

Immunogenicity risk assessment is the evaluation of the ability of a (bio)therapeutic to induce an adverse immunogenic response in a patient, predicts the long-term efficacy of the biotherapeutic and identifies potential safety concerns for unwanted immunogenicity.

Enter MAPPS.

Immunopeptidomics or MAPPS (MHC associated peptide proteomics) involves the identification and characterization of antigen fragments (immunopeptides) loaded intracellularly on  major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules and presented extracellularly to T cells.

MAPPS is the most accurate and reliable testing method to assess which regions of a biotherapeutic might be immunogenic as they can be presented by MHC complexes and may trigger a T cell response.

Our advanced immunopeptidomics platform provides a more thorough analysis of immunogenic areas of candidate biotherapeutics and leads to more accurate results. ImmuneSpec's data will facilitate drug design optimization, enable more accurate predictions for adverse events during clinical stages, and provides support data for regulatory approval on safety and efficacy.

Collaborating with ImmuneSpec

A renewed approach to unlock immunogenic regions of immunopeptides for the development of safe, effective vaccines and therapeutics.

Day 0

Project initiation meeting

Discuss project needs & prior research.

Starting off on the right foot.

At ImmuneSpec, we begin by understanding your project goals in a meeting between you and our project team. This meeting covers project type, target peptides (known/unknown), HLA-type of interest and required input material. This ensures delivery of optimal results and addressing the research question effectively.

During the initiation meeting, we usually discuss:

Project information

Sample details

  • Deadlines
  • Objectives
  • Specific requirements
  • Sample intake details
  • Sample amounts
  • Other additional data/ materials
Day 1-14

Sample intake & preparation

Preparing samples & lab setup.

Prepping well, is half the work.

After the project kickoff, the second step involves delivering your samples to us or through one of our affiliated partners. As the nature of the samples varies depending on the specific project, we always make sure to discuss storage, handling and (bio)safety requirements.

Project information

  • How will the samples be prepared
  • Requirements for immunogenicity testing, neoantigen discovery or vaccine development
Day 15-28

Affinity  purification and MS analysis

Executing on the laboratory work and data analysis.

Analyzing the samples.

After  purification, immune peptides are measured by using a TimsTOF SCP Instrument  coupled to an Evosep One chromatography system. Following the measurements, advanced algorithms are deployed to match the obtained MS  spectra with the corresponding protein sequence in the database.

Lab hardware

Lab software

  • Evosep One
  • TimsTOF SCP
  • Peaks 11
  • Spider search
  • Western blot analysis
  • Size distribution of identified peptides
  • Amount of immunepeptides that match with reference proteins
  • MHC Motif clustering

Project information

Day 28-35

Report generation

Turning data into ready-to-use insights.

Answers to your questions.

Upon delivery of the report, a dedicated meeting is scheduled to present the results and guide you through the report, elucidate the significance of the obtained findings, provide expert interpretation, and offer valuable recommendations for the next steps in advancing your project.

Results & files overview

Experimental set-up overview

  • List of peptides identified
  • List of identified peptides matching target proteins
  • Access to complete database
  • Sample overview per experiment
  • Western blot analysis
  • Peptide size distribution
  • MHC Motif clustering

Project information

Day 28-35

Discussion & next steps

Closing up, and onward.

Interpretation & presentation.

Upon delivery of the report, a dedicated meeting is scheduled to present the results and guide you through the report, elucidate the significance of the obtained findings, provide expert interpretation, and offer valuable recommendations for the next steps in advancing your project.
Upon request, the written report can be tailored based on the outcomes of this meeting.

"I  was blown away by the level of expertise, the great communication, thought partnership and superior results. ImmuneSpec was able to handle highly complex experimental designs, large numbers of samples and provide the highest peptide yields, while being faster than any other company we have worked with in the past."

Daniel Leventhal

Generate Biomedicines

Because antigen discovery for the large and complex parasite ‘Leishmania’ has known a deadlock for many decades, we approached the ImmuneSpec team to undertake immunopeptidomics analysis on skin biopsies and organ aspiration samples from leishmania patients. They tackled the challenging starting material with great enthusiasm and successfully created the first-ever mapping of biologically presented peptides in leishmaniasis patients. This will significantly expedite vaccine development for this neglected tropical disease affecting remote and impoverished communities.

Wim Adriaensen

Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp

“We are excited to partner with an outstanding team of scientists who provide cutting-edge immunopeptidomics services with remarkable flexibility and timely delivery”

Sofie Pattijn


"Encouraged by recent publications that many lncRNA-derived peptides could be more precisely detected with HLA-I peptidomics, our team reached out to the ImmuneSpec team. We selected the team among a range of companies as they provide full service - from MHC complex purification to refining MS results for identification of peptides with highest quality. They have access to one of the most precise MS instruments for such specific scientific questions and are very dedicated to give exhaustive information and are very proactive on all the steps of analysis."

Antonin Morillon

Institut Curie

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